Sermon Illustrations about Discontent
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Discontent to help bring your sermon to life.
Happiness Is...
There is a fairy story about a wealthy merchant, loaded with riches, who was in despair. He wondered why. He asked his companions how he could find happiness. ...
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A Simple "No" Would Suffice
"Officially, the results of the vote are forty 'yes,' seven 'no,' and one 'over my dead body.' "
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Contentment, the Second-Highest Art
Next to faith this is the highest art--to be content with the calling in which God has placed you. I have not learned it yet.
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Gratitude, the Best Medicine
John Henry Jowett, a British preacher of an earlier generation, said this about gratitude: "Gratitude is a vaccine, an antitoxin, and an antiseptic." ...
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