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Sermon Illustrations about Discrimination

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Discrimination to help bring your sermon to life.

Chinese Family Honors Black Benefactors

In 1939, Lloyd Dong and his family were having difficulty finding a place to live. The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1884 and the Johnson-Reed Act of 1924 ...

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How Christianity Transformed Slavery

In his book Forgive, Tim Keller tells the story of a friend of his who was a PhD student at Yale. Keller’s friend once told him that modern people ...

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How President Lincoln Grew to Hate Slavery

Abraham Lincoln biographer Jon Meacham notes, “There was no evident political gain to be had for Lincoln [to be anti-slavery]; quite the opposite. ...

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Befriending the Person Who Beat Him Up

The Rev. Fred Shuttlesworth, a pastor in Birmingham, Ala., in the 1950s, was called by the historian Andrew Manis “one of the least known but most ...

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The Rich Get Richer, the Middle Class Struggles

In his book Adrift, Scott Galloway details how America is losing its strong middle class:

In 1965, the chiefs of America's largest 350 companies by ...

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Harvard Study Reveals Affirmative Action for Rich Applicants

The Supreme Court recently outlawed most racial preferences in college admissions. However, a new study from Ivy League researchers indicates another ...

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Doctors Don't Want Patients with Disabilities

Dr. Lisa Iezzoni is a professor of medicine at Harvard. She has done research for 25 years with people who have disabilities, to find out, “What ...

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Black Officer Resigns After Being Profiled

When Bernard Robins saw the three officers eyeing him from their department cruiser, it was a familiar look. He’d been stopped by police multiple ...

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Lawyer’s Call to Work on Death Row

In 2020 Christian leader John Perkins interviewed the lawyer, Bryan Stevenson. Perkins, the son of a sharecropper, was born in poverty in Mississippi. ...

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Facial Scar Discrimination Experiment

In a YouTube video, political commentor Konstantin Kisin reported:

They did an experiment with a group of women and they put scars on their faces. They ...

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