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Sermon Illustrations about Disease

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Disease to help bring your sermon to life.

Restaurant of Mistaken Orders

Shiro Oguni opened a restaurant in Shizuoka, Japan in which all the waiting staff have dementia. In a YouTube video, the owner explains his vision, “Dementia ...

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Intelligent Designer Babies

A survey asked highly committed evangelicals what they thought of using gene editing to:

Treat disease at birth

An appropriate use of medical technology ...

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US Officials Wary After Canadian Virus Surge

After a spike in coronavirus cases that coincided with the observation of Thanksgiving in Canada, American health officials are concerned about the potential ...

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What Wearing A Mask During Pandemic Says to Others

During his daily press briefing on May 12, 2020, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo tried to influence more New Yorkers to wear a mask in public, in order ...

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Living with Uncertainty in a Time of Crisis

Author Elizabeth L. Silver wrote the very personal memoir The Tincture of Time. It is about her then baby daughter’s stroke at six weeks and the ...

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2000 Years of Christians and Epidemics

Two of Jesus’ most famous teachings are “Love your neighbor as yourself” and “Greater love has no man than this, that he should ...

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Writer Searches for Reassurance During Pandemic

Stressed out by the overwhelming events caused by the coronavirus in her city, New York City resident Gabrielle Bellot has a thirst for reassurance that ...

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A Parent’s Job Is Never Done

There’s an old saying that says, “A parent’s job is never done.” Norma Brickey typifies that statement. Norma Brickey, 82, has ...

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How Did Churches Respond to A Pandemic When Public Worship Was Banned?

I can imagine what the history books say: There was a global pandemic caused by a virus. The number of infected people grew daily. Officials recommended ...

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The First Cryonically Preserved Human’s Fifty-Year Journey to Immortality

James Bedford was a psychology professor at the University of California. Prior to his death from cancer, Bedford expressed his desire to be cryogenically ...

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