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Sermon Illustrations about Distress

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Distress to help bring your sermon to life.

The Beauty of Rescue Stories

In August 1914, a British scientist and explorer set out from England with a crew of 28 men, intent on accomplishing a spectacular goal: crossing the ...

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Snapchat Lets Users See How They Rank with Friends

A Snapchat feature lets paying users see their position in their friends’ digital orbits. For some teens, whose friends are everything, it’s ...

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Celine Dion Finds Life Purpose Through Struggle

Suffering and struggles can open the door to discovering true meaning in life. This is what Celine Dion learned after her diagnosis with Stiff Person ...

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Apocalyptic Anxiety Rising

Doom and gloom over the state and future of humanity is prevalent and pervasive globally. A New York Times piece by Tyler Harper gives an excellent summary ...

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Broken Heart Syndrome Is Real

A mere generation ago, “heartbreak” was an overused literary metaphor but not an actual medical event. The first person to recognize it as ...

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People Express Deep Despair to Elmo

If there was any doubt that the national mood could need a dose of uplift, more evidence showed up in late January. On X (formerly known as Twitter), ...

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Passengers Rescued from Dangling Cable Car

A routine Tuesday morning in a remote mountain village turned into a harrowing ordeal as a cable car malfunction left eight passengers, including schoolchildren, ...

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Sister Saves Brother in Lunchtime Scare

Twelve-year-old Amelia Loverme hadn’t received any formalized training when she saw her twin brother Charlie in need of medical intervention. But ...

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Why Being Ghosted Hurts

We all have an ongoing fear of being ghosted. Ghosting is now so common that it was added in February of 2017 to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary. It describes ...

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What Males Fear the Most

The Glamour magazine YouTube channel has 4.43 million subscribers. It covers a wide variety of lifestyle topics. The one entitled "70 Men Ages 5 ...

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