Sermon Illustrations about Distrust
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Distrust to help bring your sermon to life.
Study Reveals Whom Children Really Trust
In a new study published in Computers in Human Behavior, a team evaluated 118 children aged three to six and found that overall, kids were more inclined ...
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‘Nones’ Now the Largest Religious Group
When Americans are asked to check a box indicating their religious affiliation, 28% now check “none.” A new study from Pew Research finds ...
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Police Conceal Death, Victim Buried Anonymously
Calls for a federal investigation by the Department of Justice (DOJ) are mounting after the latest discovery into the unjust death and burial of Dexter ...
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People Trust Ghosts More Than Government
Just how bad are the polls for those in political office right now? It turns out more people are putting their faith in the dead than in living politicians. ...
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Congressman Ridiculed for Lying His Way into Office
For weeks, late night television hosts have been feasting on comedic material from the story of Congressman George Santos (R-NY), after a series of journalistic ...
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Scientist Admits to Space Chorizo Hoax
A prominent scientist was forced to apologize after pranking his Twitter followers with a photo. Étienne Klein posted a picture of what he claimed ...
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Is Your God a Stepford God?
In his book, The Reason for God, Tim Keller writes:
If you don’t trust the Bible enough to let it challenge and correct your thinking, how could ...
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Woman Asks for Proof to Verify Officer Identity
When Portland police contacted a woman named Amanda to tell her that they found her previously stolen ID, Amanda wasn’t entirely convinced. According ...
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How Democracies Perish
Notre Dame political scientist Patrick Deneen’s new book, Why Liberalism Failed, is a challenge to those who want to revive the liberal democratic ...
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Forger Deceives Art Dealer with Celebrity Counterfeit
In our celebrity-crazed culture it's not surprising that people go crazy for memorabilia. For instance, the red leather jacket Michael Jackson wore ...
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