Sermon Illustrations about Doctrine
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Doctrine to help bring your sermon to life.
Can You Spot an AI Scam?
Almost half of Americans (48%) believe that the rise of artificial intelligence has made them less “scam-savvy” than ever before. With AI ...
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Preachers and Surgeons Need Specific Definitions
If you’re on the operating table, you don’t want your surgeon to say to a nurse, “Hand me one of them sharp thingamajigs.” You ...
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Alleged Prophet Nostradamus Continues to be Popular
The alleged prophet Nostradamus is more popular than ever in these troubled times. Books about him and his prophecies are high on the best seller lists ...
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Top 5 Heresies Among American Evangelicals
American evangelicals’ grasp on theology is slipping, and more than half affirmed heretical views of God in the 2022 State of Theology survey, released ...
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Taking the Trinitarian Christ out of Christmas
Who is Jesus? Few questions could be more relevant at Christmas. Yet a new Lifeway Research study shows nearly half of Americans believe a Christological ...
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Our Favorite Heresies
LifeWay Research and Ligonier Ministries have once again examined the theological awareness, or lack thereof, of American evangelicals. This time, instead ...
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What Do US Protestants Believe 500 Years After Luther?
A survey by Pew Research Center shows that American Protestants believe that:
46% Faith in God alone is needed to get into heaven
52% Both good deeds and ...
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Muslims Are Coming to Faith
J. Dudley Woodberry, senior professor of Islamic studies at Fuller Theological Seminary, said, “More Muslims have become Christians in the last ...
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Harvard’s Chief Chaplain Is an Atheist
The Puritan colonists who settled in New England in the 1630s had a nagging concern about the churches they were building: How would they ensure that ...
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Why Are People Getting Worse at ‘The Price Is Right’?
Americans are worse at The Price Is Right than they used to be. On the game show, which has been running since 1972, four contestants are asked to guess ...
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