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Sermon Illustrations about Drugs

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Drugs to help bring your sermon to life.

Arthur Miller Unable to Tell Marilyn Monroe "God Loves You."

In his autobiography Timebends, Arthur Miller tells of his marriage to Marilyn Monroe. During the filming of The Misfits Miller watched Marilyn descend ...

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Johnny Cash's Drug Use Separated Him from God

In the article "Johnny Cash Approaches Judgment Day with Faith," Cash tells Steve Beard of Relevant magazine about his drug use:

I used drugs ...

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Johnny Cash's Wife Confronts His Drug Abuse

Singer Johnny Cash's wife, June Carter Cash, died May 15, 2003. As a follower of Jesus, she displayed many Christlike qualities. In particular, she ...

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Church Buys Shoes for Kids Who Make Good Choices

A few weeks after I began pastoring Messiah Presbyterian Church in Lubbock, Texas, I heard a teacher from a nearby elementary school tell about a boy ...

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How Good Are You?

If you can start the day without caffeine; if you can get going without pep pills; if you can always be cheerful, ignoring aches and pains; if you can ...

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Abortion Linked to Depression

The British Medical Journal (1-19-02) reported that women who abort a first pregnancy are at greater risk of subsequent long-term clinical depression ...

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Social Scientists on Benefits of Marriage

Marriage does a lot of social good, concluded a report titled "Why Marriage Matters: 21 Conclusions from the Social Scientists."

The study found ...

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Movies Influence Behavior

According to a study published in Effective Clinical Practice, teens whose parents restrict them from watching R-rated movies are one-third as likely ...

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Actor Richard Dreyfuss Searches for Meaning

In Parade magazine, actor Richard Dreyfuss spoke candidly of his continuing search for purpose and meaning during his midlife years:

Some men react to ...

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Prodigal Brings Christ Home

My son called. Through years of drug abuse, Scott had stolen from our family, manipulated us, and failed us. It had been a relief not to hear from him ...

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