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Sermon Illustrations about Easter

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Easter to help bring your sermon to life.

Elon Musk on God and Mortality

The New York Times has called Elon Musk "arguably the most successful and important entrepreneur in the world." It's an easy case to make: ...

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In Life and Death Jesus Was the Master of the Situation

Imagine a basketball game. It's almost the end of overtime; it's time for one last shot. Who do you want to have the ball? You want the calmest ...

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A Scientist Asks, 'Is There Evidence for Easter?'

Editor's Note: This is a very long illustration, so here are two suggestions: First, you could use the opening and closing quotes from Dr. Swamidass' ...

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Scholar Convinced that Historical Evidence Confirms the Resurrection

In his book Unbelievable, Justin Brierley writes convincingly that the resurrection is the only adequate explanation for the historical evidence found ...

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The Victoria Cross Is Given for Acts of Self-Sacrifice

In his book (Re)union, Bruxy Cavey writes:

The Victoria Cross is Canada's highest military honor, similar to the Medal of Honor in the United States. ...

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Who is in the Driver's Seat of Your Life?

In a sermon, John Ortberg compares submission to Jesus to driving a car:

When it was time to take our first child home from the hospital, we put her in ...

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'The Last Jedi' Prompts: 'Is There Hope in What We Are Trusting?'

In his blog, Major Dalton dives deeply into the nature of hope:

Authentic hope is a hard thing to kill. In the heart of the one who knows that outcome ...

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The Universal Desire for a Happy Ending

In their book, The God Conversation, Moreland and Muehlhoff illustrate the universal desire for a story to have a happy ending:

"And they lived happily ...

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Jesus Said: 'I Got You' as He Shielded Us from Death

In his sermon, Todd Wilson tells a powerful story of rescue in a life and death situation.

As a country, we are still reeling from many tragic events. ...

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Without Hope, Suicide Rates Rise

In a powerful article titled "Dying of Despair," psychiatrist Aaron Kheriaty observes the startling rise in deaths from suicide and drug overdoses. ...

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