Sermon Illustrations about Easter
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Easter to help bring your sermon to life.
The Crucifixion of Jesus Is Unique Among Famous Deaths
There have been many famous deaths in world history; we might think of John F. Kennedy, or Marie Antoinette, or Cleopatra, but we do not refer to "the ...
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A Modern Parable of a Lost Brother
Anton Pilipa of Toronto suffers from mental illness. Feeling he wanted his space, he moved into his own apartment. A few short days later, without any ...
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'NY Times' Article on the Stories We Tell Ourselves
In a New York Times article titled "The Stories We Tell Ourselves," philosopher Todd May notes that we're often telling stories about ourselves—mainly ...
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Pine Needle HELP Leads Rescuers to Lost Man
Mike Vilhauer just wanted to go fishing. Luck wasn't with him. After wandering a short distance from his route to look for crickets to use as bait, ...
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Why Can't God Just Forgive Our Debt of Sin?
Why can't God just forgive the debt of sin? If our Creator was truly generous, couldn't he just move on without repayment? Live and let live? ...
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Evangelism Isn't That Hard When God Prepares a Heart
Editor's Note: Dr. Jerry Root tells the following story to illustrate how Christ is already risen and alive and working in the hearts of others around ...
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Rock Star Reflects on His Mortality
Iggy Popp (aged 77 as of December 2024) is a singer, musician, and actor, whose band, the Stooges, was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. In ...
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Murdered Florida Priest Appeals For Killer From Beyond The Grave
A Florida priest murdered in 2016 appealed from beyond the grave for his alleged killer to be shown mercy, reports the BBC. In a letter written 22 years ...
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Two Aging Actresses Discuss Death
Two aging actresses and longtime friends, Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin, bantered about death in a recent magazine interview. Tomlin (born in 1939) recalled ...
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Dead Men Bleed?
For one family in Venezuela, the space between death and life was filled with more shock than usual. After a serious car accident, Carlos Camejo was pronounced ...
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