Sermon Illustrations about Easter
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Easter to help bring your sermon to life.
Sylvester Stallone Could Not Save His Son
In the summer of 2012, Sage Stallone, the 36-year-old son of actor Sylvester Stallone, died suddenly of a heart attack. Shortly after Sage's death, ...
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Grim Reaper Won't Get the Last Laugh
Bob Mankoff is the cartoon editor for The New Yorker magazine. His jobs is a laugh-a-minute. The New Yorker has published more than 80,000 cartoons since ...
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Actor Heath Ledger Still Needed God
Every year there are a few shocking celebrity deaths in the world of entertainment that create brief searches for meaning among their fans. After one ...
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Star Wars Film Shows We Need Good Stories
According to an article in The New York Times, "The Walt Disney Company's Star Wars: The Force Awakens earned roughly $517 million in worldwide ...
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Secular Writer Describes Her Grief
In her book The Year of Magical Thinking, author Joan Didion tries to make sense of her world after the death of her husband, John Gregory Dunne. Didion ...
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Larry King's Fear of Death
In 2015 The New York Timesreported that television commentator Larry King "is obsessed with death." His day begins with reading obituaries, ...
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World Death Rate Holds Steady At 100 Percent
The satirical site The Onion ran a humorous (note: fictional) article with a biting truth. The article was titled "World Death Rate Holding Steady ...
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One Child Changes History
A picture of a drowned Syrian boy fleeing the war-torn region took over the headlines, and even impacted how European leaders responded to the fleeing ...
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Actor Mark Ruffalo's Lesson in Mortality
In 2001, just as his first child was about to be born, actor Mark Ruffalo (known for his portrayal of Bruce Banner/The Hulk in the movie The Avengers) ...
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Willie Nelson Chooses Reincarnation Over Hell
In It's a Long Story: My Life by Willie Nelson, Willie recounts his time as a "popular" Sunday School teacher at Metropolitan Baptist Church—a ...
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