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Sermon Illustrations about Easter

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Easter to help bring your sermon to life.

Death Is a Great Deliverer

Thomas Brooks was an English Puritan preacher and author in the 1600s. Though he's best known for his many books and theological treatises, we have ...

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Renowned Atheist Offers Good Theology

During a recent trip to Portland, Oregon, noted atheist Christopher Hitchens laid down some seriously good theology. Most people recognize Hitchens as ...

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Eugene Peterson on the Story of the Manure (Luke 13:6-9)

In his book Tell It Slant, author Eugene Peterson uses the short parable in Luke 13:6-9—a parable about manure, of all things—to talk about ...

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Moving from Weeping to Laughing

In a single sentence, [theologian] Jurgen Moltmann expresses the great span from Good Friday to Easter: "God weeps with us so that we may someday ...

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Grace Should Encourage a Life Well-lived

In his best-selling book The Reason for God, Tim Keller, pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian in Manhattan, shares the story of a woman in his congregation ...

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Tokens of New Life Beyond Death

In his book The Jesus Creed, Scot McKnight shares the moving story of Margaret Ault. When Margaret was just about to complete her Ph.D. at Duke, something ...

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Easter Offers "Emptiness Full of Promise"

In devotional piece for Kyria.com, an evangelical website for women, Christian recording artist Carolyn Arends shared a unique Easter insight, passed ...

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"Getting In" on God's Goodness

There are two ways the Bible says you can get to heaven. Plan A is to earn it. That's the performance plan. And to earn it you only have to do this: ...

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"Christians Never Say Goodbye"

Sheldon Vanauken was a student of the English professor and Christian apologist C. S. Lewis in the early 1950s. He recounts in his book A Severe Mercy ...

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Anne Lamott's Definition of Grace

Grace means you're in a different universe from where you had been stuck, when you had absolutely no way to get there on your own.

—Anne Lamott, ...

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