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Sermon Illustrations about Emotions

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Emotions to help bring your sermon to life.

Developing Christian Maturity

A big part of Christian maturity is learning to let God keep you steady and to be ruled less and less by your emotions and circumstances.

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Not Getting It

Listen to this writer whose article appeared in the Arkansas Democrat: "Woman are very touchy about certain gifts, as I discovered years ago after ...

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The True Need of the Church

Somehow we have to make disciples instead of inspiration junkies.

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Forgetting the Emotions of Others

I'm not as prone to manipulate people's emotions as I am to forget them.

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The Power of a Hug

Greg Norman intimidates most other professional golfers with his ice-cold stoicism. He learned his hard-nosed tactics from his father. "I used to ...

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Beauty of Character

While many would not hesitate to say that great beauty is the characteristic that makes most women outstanding, several experts on the subject tend to ...

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The Nature of True Religion

Though trained to be logical and rational, Jonathan Edwards insisted that true religion is primarily rooted in the affections, not in reason. He wrote ...

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In Search of the Thinking Christian

The church can't be blamed for all the ailments of the world. On the other hand, I'm quite willing to concede and insist that the church has unnecessarily ...

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Beyond "Experience"

The current phrase "worship experience" merely serves to confuse us. Those who worship with the expectation that the act ought to generate certain ...

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Faith Beyond Reason

Faith must never be counter to reason; yet it must always go beyond reason, for the nature of man is more than rationalism. Faith is emotion as well as ...

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