Sermon Illustrations about Employee
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Employee to help bring your sermon to life.
Lottery Winner Vows to Continue Working
20-year-old James Clarkson works as a gas engineer trainee in North England, and has no plans of stopping. Of course, it would be unusual for any person ...
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Constant Motion: The American Experience
By the time they have turned eighteen, most Americans will have moved at least twice. Most thirty-year-olds will have moved six times. By the end of our ...
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Never Not Working
There is a reason God gave us the Sabbath rest. We need it. We were not created to work seven days a week. Yet, that is where we are headed as a culture, ...
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Swedish Coffee Breaks Promote Community
The church and small groups can learn something from a Swedish tradition called Fika. Pronounced “fee-kah,” the Swedish culture of breaking ...
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Gen Z Workers Demoralized by Inconsistent Standards
According to Business Insider, a big turn off for Gen-Z workers is what workplace experts call “a double bind.” Jeanie Chang is an expert ...
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Helping the Homeless One Bike at a Time
Lack of transportation is an obstacle many homeless people face in rural areas without public buses as well as in big cities designed for cars. Without ...
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Does a Pay Raise Bring Happiness?
Does a pay raise bring happiness? Sometimes it will, but the level of happiness is often tied to how we compare our salaries to others.
According to a ...
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The End of Work Spouses and Office Besties
A lot of things about work that we long took for granted have changed for good, as we settle into our remote and hybrid reality. While many of us are ...
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Second Boeing Whistleblower Found Dead
After a two-week battle with a sudden fast-spreading infection, Joshua Dean, a former quality auditor at Boeing supplier Spirit AeroSystems, passed away. ...
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Worker Sues Google for Discrimination
For years, Jalon Hall was touted as a bright spot for Google’s reputation for diversity. Hall is an African American deaf woman, and had been highlighted ...
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