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Sermon Illustrations about Endurance

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Endurance to help bring your sermon to life.

The Beauty of Rescue Stories

In August 1914, a British scientist and explorer set out from England with a crew of 28 men, intent on accomplishing a spectacular goal: crossing the ...

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One Simple Tip for Safer Winter Driving

Alexander George writes in Popular Mechanics:

Ready for the one genius tip that will make you a better winter driver? Here it is: Look where you want to ...

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Musician's Uplifting Tribute to Grandfather

The Grammy-award winning rock musician Lenny Kravitz was asked, “How do you stay positive?” Kravitz replied:

It’s a choice. I grew up ...

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Adversity Made Ancient Societies More Resilient

From the Roman Empire to the Maya civilization, history is filled with social collapses. Traditionally, historians have studied these downturns qualitatively, ...

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Stress Can Shrink Your Brain

There's been a lot of research about stress and here's the bad news: it's really bad for your body and your brain. Dr. Rajita Sinha imaged ...

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How John Stott Learned Total Dependence on God

Pastor John Yates III once worked for the British scholar and Bible teacher John Stott. Yates reflected on the time when Stott’s aging and disability ...

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Running the Race, Even in the Rain

In the 2023 South East Asia 500-meter race, one runner showed what it really means to run the race well. Despite the pounding rain and her last place ...

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Expert Says Young People Crave Stability

A business professor quoted in the Wall Street Journal noted how Gen Z is craving stability in the midst of anxiety.

Not long ago, a friend who teaches ...

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Shackleton Prioritized Scripture in the Antarctic

Ernest Shackleton is famous for leading the voyage of the Endurance and her crew to the Antarctic, and despite cataclysmic failure, leading his men out ...

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The Ending Is More Important Than the Beginning

In their book The Power of Moments, Chip and Dan Heath describe an experiment in which participants underwent three painful trials. In the first, they ...

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