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Sermon Illustrations about Entertainment

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Entertainment to help bring your sermon to life.

Why People Fixate on True Crime Shows

Tens of millions of people devour true-crime shows on TV, cable, streaming services, radio, podcasts, and in books. This is deeply personal for author ...

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Number of Teenagers ‘Almost Constantly’ on Social Media Doubles

The number of teenagers who say they are chronically online has nearly doubled since 2015, according to a survey from Pew Research Center. YouTube is ...

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New Year’s Resolution: Rediscover Boredom in the Smartphone Age

Smartphones have changed the way we inhabit public space and more specifically, how we fill our time while waiting. Consequently, day-dreaming, thinking, ...

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TikTokers’ Attention Span Maxes at 60 Seconds

TikTokers have remarkably short attention spans. Nearly 50 percent of users surveyed by TikTok said videos longer than a minute long were stressful; a ...

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Restless Activity for Fear of Missing Out

Paris. The Grand Canyon. The Great Barrier Reef. The Pyramids of Giza. According to a TV show a few years ago, these are four of the fifty things you ...

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What Are People Looking For?

Google has published its most searched-for terms of 2021:

For the UK, the five most frequently asked “When” questions were:

1. When will lockdown ...

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What Is the Goal of Life?

What is the goal of life? To accumulate the most money. This is what one can learn from reading the obituary of Reuben Klamer, the creator of the board ...

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The Internet Is Changing Our Brains

In his book The Shallows: What the Internet is Doing to Our Brains, Nicholas Carr calls the Internet "a technology of forgetfulness" and describes ...

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Come, Now Is the Time to Entertain

Ligonier Ministries asked Americans a practical question about worship. “Must churches provide entertaining worship services if they want to be ...

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Information Gluttony

The exponential explosion of information in the "informa­tion age" is mind-boggling. Consider a sampling of the numbers.

In 2019, a single ...

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