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Sermon Illustrations about Entitlement

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Entitlement to help bring your sermon to life.

Why Storms Are Necessary for Survival

In the 1980s, a research facility called Biosphere 2 built a closed ecosystem to test what it would take to eventually colonize space. Everything was ...

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Church-Attending Men Make Good Husbands

In her book, The Toxic War on Masculinity, author Nancy Percy writes that research has found that evangelical protestant men who attend church regularly ...

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Christian Singer Criticized After Impromptu Performance

Gospel singer Bobbi Storm would seem to be aptly named, for her latest actions created a firestorm of controversy, testing the axiom that there’s ...

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People Spending Money on Luxuries for Pets

Pets these days are living more luxurious lives than ever as humans increasingly pour money into making their properties fetching for nonhuman family ...

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4 Lessons Learned by Writing 1,024 Gratitude Lists

Author and blogger Chris Winfield shares his thoughts on gratitude:

“Why did this have to happen to me?” It didn’t matter if it was something ...

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Man Paid to Queue for the Impatient Rich

Robert Samuel is a 46-year-old former mobile phone salesman who now gets paid to sit in line for others. If a client wants something but can’t stomach ...

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Americans Have More Possessions than Any Society in History

Many Americans struggle with clutter. This is one reason for the popularity of the simplicity movement. And it’s why books like Marie Kondo’s, ...

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Actress Says: "Only You Know What's Best for You'

A recent interview with actress Maria Fabriela de Faria, in Global Heroes from The Wall Street Journal, perfectly reveals our culture of self-centered ...

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Affluenza: The All-Consuming Epidemic

John de Graaf and his co-authors report in their book, Affluenza: The All-Consuming Epidemic, that four million pounds of raw material, such as mined ...

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Just Leave that Crown in the Garage

In late 2000, Indra Nooyi was working late at PepsiCo. At around 9:30pm her office phone rang. On the other line was a member of the corporate board who ...

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