Sermon Illustrations about Environmentalism
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Environmentalism to help bring your sermon to life.
The Garbage We Leave Behind
Since 1953, when Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay reached the summit, over 4,000 people have successfully climbed Mount Everest. Unfortunately, the climbers ...
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City Restricts Access to Sea Lions
The San Diego City Council has unanimously voted to restrict public access to Point La Jolla and Boomer Beach, a popular sea lion rookery, in an effort ...
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The People Cheering for Humanity's End
Climate anxiety and environmental destruction have been added to the list of apocalyptic fears. Nuclear war is now no longer our only worry. A large group ...
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Things They Thought They Left Behind
In Thailand, government officials have set in motion an unusual plan to curb littering in the nation’s Khao Yai National Park. Environment minister ...
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More People Condemn Plastic Straws Than Abortion
A recent Angus Reid poll asked 1,528 Canadians for their moral perspectives on a wide variety of issues. Among the findings: while 51% thought that using ...
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Make the World A Better Place
A bus driver became greatly irritated whenever he parked his bus at the parking spot at the midpoint of his route. The reason for this was the open field ...
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The Pests We Need
In 1958, Mao Zedong ordered the extermination of every sparrow in China. He could scarcely have guessed the magnitude of the disaster he had set in motion. ...
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The Empty Promises of Minimalism
The overwhelming international success of Japanese minimalist Marie Kondo speaks to the fatigue and disillusionment many feel in our obsessively consumerist ...
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A Woman’s Perseverance in the Face of Denial
In the late 1980’s Gayla Benefield worked in a small town in Montana reading the meters of every house for the local utility company. She noticed ...
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Soon There Will Be More Plastic than Fish in the Ocean
A garbage truck's worth of plastic enters the world's ocean every minute of every day. All told, humanity dumped up to 14 million tons of plastic ...
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