Sermon Illustrations about Eternal life
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Eternal life to help bring your sermon to life.
Death Is Not the Enemy
Let me underscore ... an idea that human minds grasp while human hearts resist: "Death is not the enemy." Just think: if people didn't move ...
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A Lesson on Death and Taxes
Gary Thomas writes in Christianity Today: Thinking about eternity helps us retrieve [perspective]. I'm reminded of this every year when I figure my ...
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Carried to Eternal Rest
I heard of a little lad named Kenny who developed leukemia. The disease progressed rapidly. Soon he was unable to go to school, then unable to go out ...
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"What Want I More?"
In the heart of London City,
'Mid the dwellings of the poor,
These bright, golden words were uttered,
"I have Christ! What want I more?"
Spoken ...
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The Door That Stands Forever
In 1958, a U.S. soldier wandered the streets of Berlin to see the sights. Despite the bustling new life in parts of the city, reminders remained of the ...
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Nearing the Shepherd's Fold
Shepherds say that sheep that have spent the summer in the high country and are on their way back to the shepherd's fold anticipate their homecoming. ...
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Would That Be in Reference?
As we returned from Vacation Bible School one summer day, my young daughter Melissa asked if we could stop at the library. When I asked her why, she explained, ...
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Planting for the Future
If you wish to enrich days, plant flowers; If you wish to enrich years, plant trees, If you wish to enrich Eternity, plant ideals in the lives of others. ...
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Life among Immortals
Nations, cultures, arts, civilizations--these are mortal, and their life is to ours as the life of a gnat. But it is immortals whom we joke with, work ...
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