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Sermon Illustrations about Eucharist

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Eucharist to help bring your sermon to life.

A Dead Face Saves Countless Lives

According to a French story, a drowned girl's body was recovered from France's Seine River sometime in the late 1800s. Her body, displayed in ...

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Baseball Illustrates Christ as Substitute and Representative

On the Cross, Jesus was both our substitute and a representative. Here are two analogies to unpack what that means.

A substitute is someone who takes the ...

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US Records One Millionth Organ Transplant

The United States recorded its one millionth organ transplant in September of 2022, a historic milestone for the medical procedure that has saved thousands ...

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Man Tries to Negotiate with Death

In the opening scene of the 2016 film Collateral Beauty, advertising CEO Howard Inlet explains that his strategy is driven by three things. At the end ...

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The Wealthy in China Use Body Doubles

In China, the extremely wealthy can avoid prison terms by hiring body doubles. Incredibly, this is true! Slate.com originally broke the story of how the ...

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The Average Adult Loses 9 Items a Day

Most of us regularly lose things: keys, wallets, TV remotes, glasses, and phones. Some of us are more prone to misplacing things than others. It’s ...

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The Last Lecture

Back in 2007, computer science professor Randy Pausch delivered a lecture at Carnegie Mellon University. He called the lecture “Really Achieving ...

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Invitation to a Meal and a Call to Action

Possibly overlooked by many is the fact that on at least one occasion, Jesus cooked for his disciples. John 21:9 records that the disciples had been out ...

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Atonement Is in Our Blood

In a sermon on the Atonement, Will Anderson used the following illustration:

Food demonstrates how everyone benefits from a form of atonement, whether ...

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Artificial Blood Developed for Patients of Any Blood Type

When someone has been injured in a serious accident or has excessive bleeding during surgery there is often an immediate need for a blood transfusion. ...

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