Sermon Illustrations about Euthanasia
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Euthanasia to help bring your sermon to life.
Professor Suggests Suicide for Japan’s Elderly
His pronouncements could hardly sound more drastic. In interviews and public appearances, Yusuke Narita, an assistant professor of economics at Yale, ...
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Human Dignity Devalued by Euthanasia Advocates
Conservatives are not alone in opposing the slippery slope that is the growing trend toward advocating for euthanasia. The liberal periodical The Nation, ...
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Giving Our Final Days to God
Kim Kuo tells of the 10-year-long battle her late husband, David, had with terminal cancer. David was the former deputy director of the White House Office ...
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Assisted Dying is Rapidly Becoming Legal
In 1997, only Switzerland allowed their residents to decide if they wanted to end their life, but “compassion for end-of-life sensibilities” ...
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Canada Euthanized 10,000 People in 2021
In an issue of CT magazine, Dr. Ewan Goligher shares what he has learned as a Christian doctor receiving requests for physician-assisted dying. He notes ...
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The Christian Who Invented Hospice
Cicely Saunders, a British nurse and social worker, later trained to be a doctor. And what she discovered, in 1950s England, is that hospitals had no ...
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Bearing the Image of God
Does a person’s view of what it means to be human influence their ethical decision-making?
John Evans, a sociologist at the University of California, ...
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93-Year-Old Woman Finds 'Reason to Still Be Here'
Pro-life speaker and advocate Stephanie Gray tells the following story about treating each person—from the womb to the tomb—with dignity:
Every ...
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14-Year-Old Decides Against Assisted Suicide
An article from First Things relates the story of Valentina Maureira, a fourteen-year old from Chile who suffered from cystic fibrosis, and desperately ...
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Professor Changes His Mind on the Value of Human Life
University professor Dr. Chris Gabbard used to believe that some human beings should be allowed or even encouraged to die. In his own words, Gabbard "grew ...
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