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Sermon Illustrations about Evangelist

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Evangelist to help bring your sermon to life.

The Bible's "Real" Players

Perhaps the way our teachers treat the Bible does not have the same effect on everyone, but I have learned through the years that by trying to make the ...

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America's Greatest Spiritual Awakening

Rochester, New York, was dramatically transformed by [Charles Finney's] work there in 1830-31 in what has been called the greatest year of spiritual awakening ...

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More Than a Formula

It is the temptation of this pragmatic age to presume that technique is the secret of evangelism.

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Rocky the Apostle

Have you ever thought what a good joke it was when Christ gave Simon the nickname "Rocky"?

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Evangelism Includes Discipleship

If you walk out into one of the parking lots this morning and someone says to you, "How do I get to Chicago?"

You say, "Well, get in your ...

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Invitation to a Banquet

Evangelism is witness. It is one beggar telling another beggar where to get food. The Christian does not offer out of his bounty. He has no bounty. He ...

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A Respectful Witness

Civility, which I take to be a strong virtue and not simply wimpishness, requires that we not try to cram our beliefs down anybody's throats, whether ...

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Come to the Cross

It's quite futile saying to people, "Go to the cross." We've got to be able to say "Come to the cross." There are only two ...

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Be Prepared to Enter

If you're going door-to-door, be prepared to do more than knock. Be prepared to enter a life.

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Church Growth in China

In spite of the fact that missionaries were expelled in the early 1950s and Christians endured severe persecution in the mid-1960s, the number of Christians ...

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