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Sermon Illustrations about Excellencies of God

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Excellencies of God to help bring your sermon to life.

Scientist Says That Physics Points to the Creator

John Polkinghorne, a theoretical physicist and a minister, claims that the equations that guide physics point to a Creator. Polkinhorne said,

Physicists ...

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Research Points to Our Belief in an "Ordinary God"

Several years ago in Britain, researchers went door-to-door asking persons about their belief in God. One of their questions: "Do you believe in ...

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Many Cultures Still Don't Have a Word for Boredom

Science writer Winifred Gallagher argues that what we call boredom (which she defines as "the unpleasant sense that there is nothing that interests ...

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Shower of Surprise

One August night, my children dragged me to the backyard to watch a meteor shower. I reluctantly joined them thinking, I have so many details to tend ...

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Of Scientists and Theologians

The scientist will find in theology a unifying principal more fundamental than the grandest unified field theory. The theologian will encounter in science's ...

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"In the Beginning God"

On Christmas Day 1968, the three astronauts of Apollo 8 circled the dark side of the moon and headed for home. Suddenly, over the horizon of the moon ...

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Christians as Nonconformists

We must stop redescribing our faith to conform to what is already known. We must begin teaching a language and way of life that transforms the self. ... ...

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