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Sermon Illustrations about Faith & Prayer

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Faith & Prayer to help bring your sermon to life.

Where Do Americans Pray and Why?

A recent survey asked Americans what they pray for and where do they pray? The replies showed that they pray for:

Families (51%)

Friends (41%)

Spouses (31%)

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Former Abortion Doctor Converted to Christ

Former abortion doctor Patti Giebenk tells the following story about the woman who prayed her into a lifechanging encounter with Jesus:

During my lengthy ...

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How to Thank God Like a Two-Year-Old

We may sometimes toss around the expression "faith like a child." Maybe we should ask South Carolina toddler Sutton Whitt what she thinks of ...

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Finding Our Prayer Bearings

In a review of Timothy Keller’s book, Prayer: Experiencing Awe and Intimacy with God, Jen Michel writes:

One summer, my husband and I wanted to teach ...

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Science Journal Says ‘Psychiatry Needs to Get Right with God’

Dr. David H. Rosmarin, an associate professor at Harvard Medical School argues that “Psychiatry Needs to Get Right with God.” That’s ...

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A Vision of Healing in Answer to Prayer

George Wood was a superintendent of the US Assemblies of God. He shared the following story in a Preaching Today sermon:

When I was a boy, my sister left ...

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Take Courage, You Are Not Alone

In C.S. Lewis’ book, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, a young girl Lucy, her brother Edmund, and their cousin Eustace are taken to Narnia where the ...

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Banned Soccer Fan Rents Crane to Watch Match

An enterprising soccer fan made heads turn when he found a way to circumvent the rules preventing him from enjoying his favorite team.

Ali Demirkaya, nicknamed ...

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Crime-Ridden Neighborhood Transformed by Praying Church

David Fitch shares how the prayers of a church vanquished Satan's grip on a neighborhood:

In 2010 a group of eight people from two churches felt called ...

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Website Architect Turns to Prayer in Overwhelming Challenge

On his website, Craig Larson shares the following story about the power of prayer:

Last night a woman in our church told how God had just given her success ...

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