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Sermon Illustrations about False Prophets

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on False Prophets to help bring your sermon to life.

Fake Firefighter Arrested Infiltrating Burned Neighborhood

When officials saw Dustin Nehl pull up to one of the burned-out areas from the Los Angeles Palisades fire, they were tempted to wave him through. Nehl ...

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Blind Leading the Blind

Have you ever heard about "The Ant Death Spiral"? A fascinating NPR article describes this phenomenon. A particular species of army ant is utterly ...

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Alleged Prophet Nostradamus Continues to be Popular

The alleged prophet Nostradamus is more popular than ever in these troubled times. Books about him and his prophecies are high on the best seller lists ...

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Our Favorite Heresies

LifeWay Research and Ligonier Ministries have once again examined the theological awareness, or lack thereof, of American evangelicals. This time, instead ...

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Robocalls in Cahoots with Phone Company Spark Outrage

Industry insiders are lamenting the difficulty of tracking down bad actors in the internet telephony space. Recently, Globex Telecom was forced to pay ...

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Conspiracy Troll Fools Media with Fake FBI Raid

A media provocateur known for spreading outlandish lies recently reported that his friend’s home was raided by the FBI. The seriousness of his claim, ...

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How Fake News can Shape Our Thinking

The Wall Street Journal reported a story about how fake news stories and photos can have a powerful impact on shaping our minds and hearts. The story ...

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Study Debunks Legendary 'Five-Second Rule'

Most people have heard of the "five second rule"—that if food spends just a few seconds on the floor, dirt and germs won't have enough ...

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Expensive Truffle Oil Has No Truffles in It

Nothing boosts the prestige of a food or beverage like the perception that it is traditional, hand-picked, fresh, or otherwise limited in production. ...

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Florida Treasure Hunter Creates Fake Treasure

In April 2016, Harper's Magazine published a fascinating report about a man named Jay Miscovich, who found what he claimed were hundreds of emeralds ...

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