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Sermon Illustrations about Falseness

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Falseness to help bring your sermon to life.

Fake Firefighter Arrested Infiltrating Burned Neighborhood

When officials saw Dustin Nehl pull up to one of the burned-out areas from the Los Angeles Palisades fire, they were tempted to wave him through. Nehl ...

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Facial Recognition Snafus Ensnare Innocent

A recent study by The Washington Post has revealed a startling number of cases where innocent people have been accused or arrested for crimes because ...

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Halloween Parade Unmasked as Hoax

On October 31, 2024, thousands of people descended upon O'Connell Street in Dublin, Ireland, to witness a Halloween parade. They waited, and waited ...

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The 2023 Word of the Year is ‘Authentic’

Separating fact from fiction is getting harder. Manipulating images—and creating increasingly convincing deepfakes—is getting easier. As what’s ...

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Cop Caught Lying in Court 44 Times

From 2015 through mid-2022, Jeffrey Kriv received 51 tickets, but paid only two. Kriv had become adept at beating his tickets in court by telling a particular ...

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Twitter Verification Causes Credibility Problems

In April 2023, the social media company Twitter, under the direction of its new owner Elon Musk, eliminated its previous verification standards. Since ...

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Misleading Police Statements on Use of Force

After doing an analysis of seven high-profile cases where people died as a result of use of force by police, Washington Post reporters Ashley Parker and ...

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Tim Keller Explains ‘Conversion of the Heart’

Tim Keller used this story to illustrate the “conversion of the heart.”

Many years ago, when I was in college, I was part of a Christian fellowship, ...

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The Surprising Patron Saint of Truthfulness

Historian, philosopher, and author Richard Reevesis is a senior fellow at the think tank Brookings Institution. He is concerned that most people can’t ...

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Woman Arrested in Hawaii for Fake Vaccination Card

Chloe Mrozak apparently wanted to vacation in Hawaii without abiding by the state’s mandatory ten-day quarantine for people from the mainland. To ...

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