Sermon Illustrations about Feelings
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Feelings to help bring your sermon to life.
The Deal-Sealing Moment for Happy Couples
Every real-life love story has a beginning of how they met, but the important part is when you realize that this is the person you want to spend the rest ...
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The Secret to a Younger You
In 1979 Dr. Ellen Langer, a Psychology Professor at Harvard, designed a weeklong experiment for a group of 75-year-old men. The men knew very little about ...
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Olympic Sprinter Helps Fallen Competitor
Silinia Pha Aphay was sprinting in the preliminary Olympic rounds of the 100-meter dash event, when something unexpected happened.
Aphay, who ran for her ...
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Do Hallmark Movies Have a Typical ‘Happy Ending’?
The Hallmark and Lifetime networks are known for their holiday movies each year. They bring in impressive television ratings, perhaps aided by how easy ...
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Don't Be Rude to Your Chatbot
A nine-year-old boy asked ChatGPT, “Is yo' mama so dumb that when she went to sleep, she put a ruler behind her pillow to see how long she slept?” ...
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Want a Happier Marriage? Do This
According to a new study, the secret to a longer, happier marriage may lie in couples consolidating their finances. Researchers found that married couples ...
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Think First of Others
Navy Seal Admiral, William McRaven, talks about an important lesson Seals learn: Think first of others. In an interview with AARP, he said:
I like to tell ...
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Facial Scar Discrimination Experiment
In a YouTube video, political commentor Konstantin Kisin reported:
They did an experiment with a group of women and they put scars on their faces. They ...
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Americans Now Reject Moral Absolutes
Past generations of Americans viewed God as the basis of truth and morality. Not anymore. A new study shows that most Americans reject any absolute boundaries ...
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The Transience of Human 'Truth'
A clip from a Pursuit of Wonder video illustrates how man's ideas of what is true often turns out to be completely false.
In Peru in the middle of ...
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