Sermon Illustrations about Feelings
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Feelings to help bring your sermon to life.
Beyond "Experience"
The current phrase "worship experience" merely serves to confuse us. Those who worship with the expectation that the act ought to generate certain ...
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Faith Beyond Reason
Faith must never be counter to reason; yet it must always go beyond reason, for the nature of man is more than rationalism. Faith is emotion as well as ...
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Responsibility for Emotions
You're responsible for what you do with your feelings, but you can't help having feelings. Feelings are.
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Feeling Isn't Everything
Ecstasy is no guarantee of orthodoxy or that Christian fruit will result.
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Entering by the Service Door
He was a preacher at the turn of the century. His name was Washington Gladden, and he was as well known in that day as Billy Graham is known in ours. ...
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You Can't Relive the Past
Many religious people lament that the first fervors of their conversion have died away. They think--sometimes rightly, but not, I believe, always--that ...
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Are We Talking Problems or Solutions?
The following story shows how the difference between men's and women's communication styles can lead to misunderstanding in marriage:
Eve had a ...
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