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Sermon Illustrations about Felt needs

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Felt needs to help bring your sermon to life.

The ‘Dark Side’ of the Pursuit of Happiness

Yale psychologist June Gruber has confirmed the many positive physical, social, and psychological benefits of human happiness. But while working at the ...

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Gen Z Is Rediscovering the Public Library

Twenty-year-old Henry Earls dresses up to go to the library. He picks out cozy knitted sweaters and accessorizes with well-worn copies of classic books. ...

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The Churches of Antarctica and the Moon

In an article in Vice, Brian Merchant argues that the first structure that humans will probably build on the Moon after they have completed building a ...

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The Friendship Recession Among Men

Men have fewer friends than women and are at a greater risk of isolation. The gap has widened in recent years. A 2021 report identified a male “friendship ...

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Man Has an Emotional Support Gator

Joie Henney has an unusual emotional support animal. Whereas others might find comfort and solace in dogs or cats, Henney’s companion is WallyGator, ...

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Principal Cuts Student's Hair to Remedy His Insecurity

Many middle-school boys have memories of barbershop haircuts. But for one boy, his most memorable cut happened elsewhere. Anthony Moore is a student at ...

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Scientific Magazine Gives Bleak Answer to Question about the Meaning of Life

An issue of the highly regarded science magazine New Scientist asked several basic philosophical questions and attempted to give answers from a strictly ...

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Lonely Man Asks Pornographer for 'You Are Loved' Video

An episode on the podcast "The Butterfly Effect" tells the story about a couple named Dan and Rhiannon who run a company that provides what's called "bespoke ...

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Lawyer Learns That We're All Broken

In his bestselling book, Just Mercy, Bryan Stevenson, founder of Equal Justice Initiative, tells the story of Jimmy Dill, a convicted murderer who had ...

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Missions Trip Transforms Hospital

In her book Radical Gratitude, Ellen Vaughn tells the story of a family friend named Jerry:

Some years ago Jerry was in Russia on a short visit with Prison ...

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