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Sermon Illustrations about Final Judgment

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Final Judgment to help bring your sermon to life.

Unexpected Rules for Life's Race

I once read a story about a bicycle race in India. The object of the race was to go the shortest distance possible within a specified time. At the start ...

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Retrieving Perspective

Gary Thomas writes in Christianity Today:

Thinking about eternity helps us retrieve [perspective]. I'm reminded of this every year when I figure my ...

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Working While We Wait

During his 1960 presidential campaign, John F. Kennedy often closed his speeches with the story of Colonel Davenport, the Speaker of the Connecticut House ...

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How Much Have You Given?

When we come to the end of life, the question will be, "How much have you given?" not "How much have you gotten?"

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Christianity Isn't Finished

Many think the Christian religion has run its course, and that the gloom of Good Friday is now settling over the long history of the church. But they ...

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It Only Hurts When You Hit Bottom

Peradventure some sinner will say, "perceive nor feel any weight in myself, do I ever so many sins." To whom we answer that if a dog having ...

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Daily Reckoning

To sensible men, every day is a day of reckoning.

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A Lesson on Death and Taxes

Gary Thomas writes in Christianity Today: Thinking about eternity helps us retrieve [perspective]. I'm reminded of this every year when I figure my ...

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Death Makes Things Matter More

In the movie Casualties of War, Michael J. Fox plays Private Erikson, a soldier in Vietnam who is part of a squad that abducts and rapes a young Vietnamese ...

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Judged Every Day

I shall tell you a great secret, my friend. Do not wait for the last judgment. It takes place every day.

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