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Sermon Illustrations about Forbearance

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Forbearance to help bring your sermon to life.

Mom Shows How Not to Help Kids with Social Media

It's difficult for parents who are trying to navigate how their children relate to social media. Here's one story about how NOT to do it. The ...

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Joke about Holding Onto Grudges

An old joke. A letter to a neighbor reads:

Dear Frank. We've been neighbors for six tumultuous years. When you borrowed my tiller, you returned it ...

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'Esquire' Claims We've Become More Angry

An article on Esquire magazine begins with this quote in bold capital letters:


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Anger Is the 'Poison' of Our Planet

The actor, comedian, and author Patton Oswalt was asked the by The New York Times, "If you could require the president to read one book, what would ...

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Finding Forgiveness 43 Years Later

In 1975, suspected criminal Wendell Beard slipped out of his police handcuffs, jumped out of a police station window, and landed on the sidewalk 14 feet ...

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Man Forgives His Son's Murderer

Dr. Robert Smith, a pastor and seminary professor, writes movingly of his struggle to forgive:

I remember so very well October 30th, I will never forget ...

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Different Perceptions of What Makes a 'Ridge'

A story is told of a man from Colorado who came to northern Minnesota one autumn for deer hunting. The Mid-westerners who hosted him planned to "drive ...

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Judging Others is One of Our Favorite Activities

Like most of us, John Burke (pastor of Gateway Church in Austin, Texas) assumed that he was not a judgmental person. But just in case he was wrong, he ...

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Husband Cares for Wife with Alzheimer's

Editor's Note: Preachers, this is a powerful illustration about the beauty of committed marital love. It's longer than many of our illustrations, ...

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Researchers Develop Faster Ketchup Flow

An article in Time.com noted that ketchup flows out of a glass bottle at a rate of .028 miles per hour. That's slower than a Galapagos tortoise, which, ...

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