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Sermon Illustrations about Foreknowledge

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Foreknowledge to help bring your sermon to life.

The Amazing Speed of Artificial Intelligence

Computers used for gaming include a graphics card (GPU) separate from the CPU (central processing unit). How many calculations do you think your graphics ...

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When ‘Bad Luck’ Is Not So Bad After All

In a fictional YouTube video, the main character, Eric, is walking his dog Nova. The dog sees a rabbit, runs after it, pulling the leash from Eric's ...

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Intel Predicts the Future

Intel employed a futurist named Brian David Johnson whose was to determine what life would be like ten to fifteen years in the future. Johnson was the ...

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Future Predictions for the Year 2000

In the year 1900, a German chocolate company released 12 postcards predicting what life would be like 100 years in the future. So how close were they ...

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Seeing Isn’t Always Believing

The radio program, This American Life, tells the story about the late writer David Rakoff, who had a hard time believing what was right in front of his ...

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Roller Coaster Rider Catches Neighbor's Phone During Ride

Samuel Kempf was in Spain representing New Zealand in the Fistballing World Championship when he took a break to ride a rollercoaster. While he was on ...

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‘You Always Have Two Chances’

A Korean War veteran by the name of Laurel Hunsinger told friends and family that, "When I worked on the flight line in Korea and flew combat missions, ...

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Our Overreliance on Experts' Predictions

In his book Future Babble, journalist Dan Gardner explores our obsession with "experts" who claim to predict future events. Gardner relies on ...

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The Brilliant Timing of Christmas

In 1993, [Philip Yancey] read a news report about a "Messiah sighting" in the Crown Heights section of Brooklyn, New York. In an article for ...

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