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Sermon Illustrations about Forgetfulness

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Forgetfulness to help bring your sermon to life.

Celebrating ‘Good Riddance’ Day

Saying farewell to yesterday might be a challenge for some, but not for the numerous New Yorkers who bid a traditional farewell to 2023 in Times Square ...

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Small Coins Put Together Add Up to a Treasure

At a waste-management facility in Morrisville, Pa., workers load incinerated trash into industrial machinery that separates and sorts metals, then sends ...

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The Librarian in Your Brain Is Slowing Down

We may not want to admit it but author Arthur Brooks is convincing when he writes to the effect that age-related decline will come much sooner than we ...

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Missionaries Helped Preserve Forgotten Languages

An often-overlooked effect of missionary influence has been the preservation of languages. Language is the breath of a culture, and so the death of a ...

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Chess Robot Accidentally Breaks Child's Finger

When artificially-intelligent robots began to first play chess, many analysts regarded it as a game-breaking innovation. But in Russia, you don’t ...

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Neuroscientists Call Forgetfulness an Advantage

As we age, many of us become distressed about our inability to recall names, words, or ideas as quickly as maybe we used to. But according to a new study, ...

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The Average Adult Loses 9 Items a Day

Most of us regularly lose things: keys, wallets, TV remotes, glasses, and phones. Some of us are more prone to misplacing things than others. It’s ...

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Restaurant of Mistaken Orders

Shiro Oguni opened a restaurant in Shizuoka, Japan in which all the waiting staff have dementia. In a YouTube video, the owner explains his vision, “Dementia ...

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The Internet Is Changing Our Brains

In his book The Shallows: What the Internet is Doing to Our Brains, Nicholas Carr calls the Internet "a technology of forgetfulness" and describes ...

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Son Regrets Not Saying More While Dad Was Alive

The song The Living Years by Mike +The Mechanics was released in 1988 and became a worldwide hit. It was nominated for four Grammy awards and was written ...

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