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Sermon Illustrations about Friend

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Friend to help bring your sermon to life.

The Positive or Negative Influence of Friendships and Small Groups

An article from Wired Magazine explored why AA has been able to help millions of people recover from an alcohol addiction. The article begins by stating, ...

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No Escape from Other People

Wherever our life touches yours, we help or hinder ... wherever your life touches ours, you make us stronger or weaker. ... There is no escape--man drags ...

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Friends Bring out the Best

A friend is one who makes me do my best.

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An Attractive Spirit

You've got to save your own soul first, and then the souls of your neighbors if they will let you; and for that reason you must cultivate, not a spirit ...

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The Danger of Standing Alone

A few winters ago, heavy snows hit North Carolina. Following a wet, six-inch snowfall, it was interesting to see the effect along Interstate 40. Next ...

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Anthropological Evidence of Compassion

One day a student asked anthropologist Margaret Mead for the earliest sign of civilization in a given culture. He expected the answer to be a clay pot ...

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Good Companions

Reading molds thinking. As I scan my shelves I spot those books other than the Bible that have influenced my personal thought and ministry, particularly ...

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Friends Light the Way

No problem is ever as dark when you have a friend to face it with you.

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How to Be a Friend

Often the most loving thing we can do when a friend is in pain is to share the pain--to be there even when we have nothing to offer except our presence ...

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The Comforts of Friendship

Oh, the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person; having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words, but to pour them all out, just as they ...

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