Sermon Illustrations about Friendship of God
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Friendship of God to help bring your sermon to life.
Jay Leno Pretends to Be Boy’s Uncle
A kid was bullied at school because he pretended that the talk show host, Jay Leno, was his uncle. When Leno learned this, he tracked the kid down and ...
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The ‘Yes’ Face of Jesus
During his days as President, Thomas Jefferson and a group of his companions were traveling across the country on horseback and they came upon this flooded ...
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Dallas Willard’s Last Words: 'Thank You'
The Christian writer and philosopher Dallas Willard died at 6am on May 8, 2013. In his biography on Willard titled Becoming Dallas Willard, Gary Moon ...
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Study Shows How to Move from Casual Friend to Close Friend
Dr. Jeffrey Hall, a communications professor at the University of Kansas, published research about the relationship between time invested in a friendship ...
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'NY Times' Article on the Stories We Tell Ourselves
In a New York Times article titled "The Stories We Tell Ourselves," philosopher Todd May notes that we're often telling stories about ourselves—mainly ...
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What You Call God Probably Reflects Degree of Closeness
In his book The Christian Atheist, Craig Groeschel offers a litmus test of sorts that might shed a little light on your relationship with God. He writes: ...
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God at Our Side
One of the most moving passages in English literature comes towards the end of Charles Dickens's Tale of Two Cities, a story of the French revolution. ...
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Prayer's Relationships
Real prayer is a serious concern, for we are speaking to the sovereign Lord of all the universe, who is willing to move heaven and earth in answer to ...
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Living in Relationship
Just as husband and wife live out their lives against the backdrop of being married, so do we live out the entirety of our lives against the backdrop ...
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