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Sermon Illustrations about Friendship

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Friendship to help bring your sermon to life.

Silas, Paul's Co-Author?

Silas is first mentioned at the Council of Jerusalem (49). As "one of the leading men among the brethren," he was chosen as diplomatic envoy ...

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Barnabas, Advocate for the Despised

"Barnabas" was actually his nickname, given him by the apostles. It meant "Son of Encouragement," and it was most appropriate.

He was ...

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Titus, Paul's Troubleshooter

Titus probably gets the Pauline service award with 20 years as Paul's co-worker.

Titus was born a Gentile, and when he became a Christian he did not ...

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Welcoming Throughout the Building

Welcoming isn't just something done at the door; it's something everyone does all over the building.

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Welcome Criticism

Get a friend to tell you your faults, or better still, welcome an enemy who will watch you keenly and sting you savagely. What a blessing such an irritating ...

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Turning Song to "Twitter"

A man had a fine canary whose song was unusually beautiful. During the summer, it seemed a shame to keep the bird inside the house all the time. So the ...

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Emotional Needs Come First

Meeting the emotional needs of people comes first. They want to know, "Do you like me?" and "Can I find a place here?"

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A Friend in Need

While walking through the mall, I smiled when I heard one elderly lady in a wheelchair say to her companion pushing her, "When you get tired, we'll ...

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Luke, Paul's Biographer

"Only Luke is with me." So wrote Paul late in life from a Roman prison, just one evidence of their close relationship.

Early tradition suggests ...

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Humorous Hand Grenades

Hurling humor like hand grenades is a popular sport. We think it's acceptable to pull the pin on our anger as long as we toss it in a casing of humor. ...

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