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Sermon Illustrations about Frustration

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Frustration to help bring your sermon to life.

Stopping to Hear God Whisper His Love

Author Mike Yaconelli says:

I travel a lot, and I came to San Francisco one night and missed my connection back home. I was angry and upset, and I called ...

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"Superman": Destiny

In one scene of the movie Superman, Clark Kent is upset after a football game in which he was reduced to being a manager. He possesses supernatural powers ...

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"Mr. Holland's Opus": Leaving a Legacy

Mr. Holland's Opus is a movie about a frustrated composer in Portland, Oregon, who takes a job as a high school band teacher in the 1960s. Although ...

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The Devil's Entree

Irritation in the heart of a believer is always an invitation to the devil to stand by.

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Envying Mozart

Remember the story of Mozart's life told from the perspective of Antonio Salieri. The play and the film were both called Amadeus. Salieri was the ...

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Buried Anger Will Explode

In a 1994 article, "Wars' Lethal Leftovers Threaten Europeans," Associated Press reporter Christopher Burns writes: "The bombs of World ...

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Humor: If You Want Something Done...

If there had been a committee appointed, Noah's ark would never have been built.

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Contentment, the Second-Highest Art

Next to faith this is the highest art--to be content with the calling in which God has placed you. I have not learned it yet.

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