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Sermon Illustrations about Fulfillment

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Fulfillment to help bring your sermon to life.

The Greatest Experience

I have found that the most extravagant dreams of boyhood have not surpassed the great experience of being in the will of God, and I believe that nothing ...

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Filling the Hunger for Significance

Two years ago, a woman in my audience wrote to invite me to visit her, if I could. A few weeks ago, I was in her home city, along with my teammate and ...

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In Search of a Better Place

I read about two teenagers in Chicago who wanted to prove their love for each other. They went to the top of a six story building, kissed each other, ...

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Contentment, the Second-Highest Art

Next to faith this is the highest art--to be content with the calling in which God has placed you. I have not learned it yet.

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Not Seeking Happiness From God

Happiness of heart can no more be attained without God than light and sunshine can be had without the sun. Happiness is heavenly born; its aroma is of ...

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