Sermon Illustrations about Genetic Engineering
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Genetic Engineering to help bring your sermon to life.
‘Just as Long as Our Baby Is Healthy’
How many times have you heard expectant couples say, "Well, as long as our baby is healthy"? John Knight from Desiring God ministries cautions, ...
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Intelligent Designer Babies
A survey asked highly committed evangelicals what they thought of using gene editing to:
Treat disease at birth
An appropriate use of medical technology ...
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"The 6th Day": Taking Over for God
The movie The 6th Day is set in the future and is about a billionaire tycoon who illegally and successfully clones humans. In this scene, Adam Gibson's ...
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Paralyzed Man Opposes Stem-cell Research
In a Time magazine essay, Charles Krauthammer tells why he does not support stem-cell research "from embryos created purposely and wantonly for nothing ...
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"Gattaca": Science's Attempt to Perfect Humanity
Gattaca, with Ethan Hawke and Uma Thurman, is a futuristic drama about the possible consequences of genetic engineering. A husband and wife have their ...
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An Uneasy Confrontation
The late professor Jacques Monod, the famous French geneticist and Nobel prize winner, in the course of a television session in Toronto with Mother Teresa, ...
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