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Sermon Illustrations about God, power of

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on God, power of to help bring your sermon to life.

Miracles Aren’t Ruled Out By Science

In talks on university campuses, Christian physicist and MIT professor Ian Hutchinson asks “Can a scientist believe in miracles?” (He’s ...

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Doctors Find 27 Contact Lenses in Woman's Eye

A 67-year-old woman scheduled for routine cataract surgery thought it was just dry eye and old age causing her discomfort. But the real cause of her discomfort ...

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Christ in You Makes You Like a Superhero

To explain how Christ in us now labors to make us more human, not less, pastor/author Rankin Wilbourne used the following illustration:

Consider two superheroes, ...

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The Military Doctrine of Shock and Awe

In 1996 two military strategists, Harlan Uliman and James Wade, started advocating a more focused approach to war. Uliman and Wade argued for engaging ...

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A Laser—the Power of Unified Light

In 1957 a graduate student at Columbia University named Gordon Gould had been working with "pumping" atoms to higher energy states so they would ...

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Ancient Mapmakers Marked 'Here Be Dragons'

Medieval cartographers (mapmakers) sketched hic sunt dragones (translated "there be dragons") on the edges of their maps. Those three words ...

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Japanese Word for 'Golden Repair'

There is a Japanese word, kintsukuroi, that means "golden repair." It is the art of restoring broken pottery with gold so the fractures are ...

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Fear Narrows the Circle of Our Lives

In 1975, Roger Hart conducted a study on where children felt safe to play. He focused on 86 children between the ages of three to twelve in a small town ...

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Secular Sources on Our Need For Awe

The March/April 2016 issue of Psychology Today attempted to give readers several reasons to cultivate a sense of awe and wonder with their article "It's ...

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God Gives Strength When We Need It, Not Sooner

In his book, Against the Flow, Oxford professor John Lennox notes that when God calls us to do something difficult he gives us the strength when we need ...

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