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Sermon Illustrations about God, wrath of

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on God, wrath of to help bring your sermon to life.

Super-Villains: Good Theology, Bad Solution

A series of contemporary superhero movies present super bad guys who at times demonstrate a biblical view of sin but the wrong cure for our sin. These ...

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Warnings About Sharks and Hell

British evangelist Rico Tice says, "Loving people means warning people." He illustrates with the following personal story:

I was once in Australia ...

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Judges Swayed By Lunch and Snack Breaks

Three researchers from the U.S. and Israel decided to test the legal adage that justice equals "what the judge ate for breakfast." The research ...

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A List of What You Really Should Fear

The phrase "Be afraid, be very afraid" was a tagline from the 1986 horror flick The Fly. Google the phrase and you'll get about 183 million ...

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Susan Sarandon Rejects Church but Fears Death

In an interview, actress and social activist Susan Sarandon talked about having long-given up on "organized religion." Sarandon who "nurtures ...

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Coach Chases Down School Shooter

On February 27, 2012, 17-year-old T. J. Lane from Chardon, Ohio, burst into his school's cafeteria and started gunning down classmates. Lane shot ...

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The 'Wrath of God' Makes the News

Strangely enough, the 'wrath of God' became a news item. Here's what happened: A Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) committee wanted to add the ...

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Breaking Bad Shows the Judgment of Sin

The hit TV show Breaking Bad follows the story of Walter White, a mild-mannered chemistry teacher who, after receiving a terminal diagnosis, turns to ...

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Judge Sentences a Man for Yawning

Clifton Williams was headed to the courthouse in Joliet, Illinois to support his cousin, who was going to be sentenced. At the precise moment that Judge ...

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Actors Distance Themselves from Christian Upbringing

The actors Brad Pitt and Hugh Jackman both grew up in Christian homes and both men have since distanced themselves from their faith. Here's how Brad ...

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