Sermon Illustrations about Handicaps
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Mom Receives Financial Help After Amazon SpongeBob Fiasco
Most fans of an animated series enjoy participating in the lore of the show; whether through cosplaying, conventions, T-shirts, or other swag, there is ...
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A Farmer is Healed of Shame and Restored to Community
In his novel Remembering, Wendell Berry tells the story of a Kentucky farmer named Andy Catlett. One warm summer evening, Andy and a group of neighbors ...
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James Earl Jones' Long Pursuit of Contentment
As he wrapped up his work as the voice of Darth Vader in the 2014 Star Wars film Rogue One, James Earl Jones opened up about his struggles with a speech ...
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God Uses Us Despite Our Limitations
Tony Campolo tells of how he was a counselor at a junior high camp. He said he had never met meaner kids in his life. They focused on an unfortunate kid ...
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Blind Songwriter Visualized Christ's Glory
One of the most prolific songwriters in the history of Christianity has been Fanny Crosby, who wrote over 9,000 spiritual songs. Crosby was blinded in ...
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Unaccompanied Autistic Minor Befriended on Flight, Mom Relieved
Alexa Bjornson and her son Landon had made the plane trip several times, from Las Vegas to Portland to visit Landon’s father. It had become an annual ...
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The Amazing Skill of the Lowly Pigeon
There are 290 species of pigeons in the world, but only one has adapted to live in cities. But that one species has an amazing skill—the ability ...
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Big Tasks are Accompanied by Big Doubts
In Zack Snyder’s Justice League, Batman assembles a team of super-champions to take on a rising tide of super-villains. An ancient entity named ...
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How a Pizzeria Highlights the Gifts of Those with Down Syndrome
In 2000, two parents founded a pizzeria in Rome with the goal of employing people with Down syndrome. Inspired by their son, who had the condition, they ...
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Deputy Literally Goes the Extra Mile to Serve Citizen in Wheelchair
Two sheriff’s deputies thought they were responding to a routine call, but when they arrived, the situation required more than what they’d ...
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