Sermon Illustrations about Hatred
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Hatred to help bring your sermon to life.
What Happened When a High School Student Used the N-Word
What happened when a High School student used the N-word? It usually leads to expulsion. But it doesn’t have to. High school senior Rainier Harris ...
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How Can One Thank a Nazi Doctor?
Eva Kor and her sister Miriam were the subjects of horrific experiments at the hands of Josef Mengele at the Auschwitz concentration camp during World ...
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Tech CEO Resigns After Racist Outburst in Restaurant
A tech executive has since apologized and resigned from his position after footage of his racist tirade went viral. Michael Lofthouse, former CEO of San ...
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Americans Are Living in A Big ‘Anger Incubator’
Americans are angry. The country erupted into the worst civil unrest in decades after the death of George Floyd, and anger about police violence and the ...
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Tattoo Shop Offers to Cover Up Hate and Gang Symbols for Free
A tattoo parlor in Kentucky is using ink to unite communities across the country by offering free appointments to anyone who wants to cover up their hate ...
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Revenge Really Is Sweet
While seeking to better understand the nature of aggression, David Chester of Virginia Commonwealth University, along with Nathan DeWall of the University ...
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Hate-Filled Protester Transformed By 'Soft Answer'
Megan Phelps-Roper has been on the picket lines for the Kansas-based Westboro Baptist Church since the age of five. The members are notorious for picketing ...
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Leaving Hate Behind
Tom Tarrants was serving a 35-year sentence in prison for attempting to bomb a Jewish businessman’s residence. Previously, Tarrants had avoided ...
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Police Officers Fired for Offensive Social Media Posts
Roughly one month after placing an unprecedented 72 officers on desk duty, the Philadelphia Police Department completed its probe into inappropriate social ...
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Google Searches Show Disturbing Truths about Our Prejudices
Everybody lies, but Google searches reveal our darkest secrets. That's the conclusion of US data scientist Seth Stephens Davidowitz, who analyzes ...
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