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Sermon Illustrations about Healing

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Healing to help bring your sermon to life.

Angels Help COVID-19 Patient

Pastor and author Craig Brian Larson writes:

In January, 2021, as the coronavirus continued to spread, we received concerning news from a family in our ...

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Popular Relaxation Practice Invokes ‘Spirit Guides’

Reiki is a relaxation practice that claims it promotes physical and emotional healing. The International Center for Reiki Training reports that more than ...

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Doing This Increases Christ’s Joy

Author Dane Ortlund quotes Thomas Goodwin’s statement, “Christ’s own joy, comfort, happiness, and glory are increased … by his ...

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Man Turns Land into Place Where Fellow Veterans Can Heal

John Mahshie said he felt “alone and isolated” after leaving the Air Force in 2008, yet “sucked it up and pressed on.” He knew ...

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How God Healed My Facial Nerve

In his book, The Art of Prayer, Timothy Jones tells the story of his friend, Jeanie Hunter:

In … 1983, surgery to have a tumor removed from my ear, ...

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What Joni Eareckson Tada Is Really Looking Forward To

Nancy Guthrie recently interviewed evangelical Christian author, Joni Eareckson Tada. A diving accident in 1967 left Joni, then 17, a quadriplegic in ...

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Man Receives First 3D Printed Tibia Replacement

Surgeons in Australia, in 2017, successfully performed a world-first transplant surgery. They installed a 3D printed tibia into the leg of Reuben Lichter, ...

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Crystals: The Reality Behind Booming New Age Healing

Crystals fascinate and mesmerize--opaque, shadowy colors that must hold ancient secrets, carved into angels, birds, or any object that may imbue meaning. ...

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Harvard Doctor Says Religion May Be a ‘Miracle Drug’

In 2016, Harvard professor Tyler J. VanderWeele and journalist John Siniff wrote a USA Today op-ed entitled “Religion May Be a Miracle Drug.” ...

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Man Intoxicated by Own Stomach

“Auto-brewery syndrome” sounds like a drive-through for alcoholics, but for a small, underdiagnosed portion of the general population, it’s ...

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