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Sermon Illustrations about Hearing God's voice

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Hearing God's voice to help bring your sermon to life.

The Whispering Gallery

Hidden acoustic wonders called “whispering walls” have awed listeners since ancient times. The field of “archaeo-acoustics” studies ...

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Are You Listening to Me?

Hearing is a vastly underrated sense. Studies have shown that visual recognition requires a significant fraction of a second per event. But hearing is ...

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Rushing Through a Shallow Life

Religious and non-religious people alike think that many people are living shallow and superficial lives. They have noticed that many are rushing through ...

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Kids Learn to Tune Out Noise

If you are heading into Manhattan off the George Washington Bridge, you can't miss the cluster of four 32-story apartment buildings built right over ...

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Flo Finds Contentment

She is the most famous celebrity whose name you don’t know: the actress who plays Flo in all those Progressive commercials. Yes, she is a real person. ...

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A God Who Listens and a God Who Speaks

In his autobiographical novel, Everything Sad is Untrue, Daniel Nayeri describes fleeing from Iran as a boy to escape persecution for his Christian faith. ...

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Flight Attendant Consoles Passenger During Turbulence

Molly Lee was a passenger on a flight from Charlotte to New York when another passenger made it clear she was not comfortable. She said it was at that ...

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A Simple Principle for Discerning God’s Will

Carolyn Arends is a Canadian Christian musician, author, and speaker. In an issue of CT magazine, she writes:

Years ago, I toured as an opening act for ...

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Bono on Silence and Surrender

Music icon Bono, lead singer of the popular band U2, tells the Atlantic magazine that lately God has been leading him to desire silence and listen to ...

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God and Dreams While We Sleep

R. Douglas Fields writes about the vigorous activity of the brain during sleep:

Midway between our unconscious and conscious minds there is the altered ...

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