Sermon Illustrations about Hiddenness
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Hiddenness to help bring your sermon to life.
Companies Use Trust Words to Hide Their Untrustworthiness
Certain words that many companies use in their annual reports—words like ethical, integrity and responsibility—are meant to convey trustworthiness. ...
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Gambling Away Our Lives
The cacophony of slot machines, dice rolls, and card shuffles is what usually comes to mind when people think of gambling. The more pervasive way to gamble ...
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The Light of the Gospel
In his novel, This Is Happiness, Niall Williams’ elderly narrator, Noe (pronounced No), remembers when electricity and light came to their little ...
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Education Employees Steal Trips from Homeless Youth
A report released by the New York City public school district alleges that school employees misused funds intended for homeless students' enrichment ...
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Transportation Group Rescinds Endorsement After Parking Scandal
In September 2024, a Portland, Oregon advocacy group for safe and sustainable transportation rescinded its endorsement of mayoral candidate Carmen Rubio. ...
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Paralympic Athletes Protest ‘Classification Doping’
The Paralympic Games is a celebration of athletic achievement for those with physical disabilities. It has been marred by a growing concern: “classification ...
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The Incredible Story of an Unimpressive Pen
The next time you're signing your name at the DMV or another U.S. Government office, you probably won't notice the black pen in your hand. It, ...
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Disney Lawsuit Hindered by Arbitration Clause
After a public outcry and a round of bad press against the entertainment behemoth, Jeffrey Piccolo’s lawsuit against Disney will proceed as planned. ...
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Sinkhole Opens Amid Soccer Field
In a southern Illinois town, an unfortunate incident resulted in a public park complex being indefinitely closed to the public. Unlike in many other areas ...
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Fentanyl Dealer Caught During NBA Game
Sometimes the wheels of justice turn slowly, but eventually they do turn. Such was the case for Billy Ray Trueblood, who was finally sentenced in May ...
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