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Sermon Illustrations about Holy Spirit, indwelling

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Holy Spirit, indwelling to help bring your sermon to life.

What Does Filled with the Spirit Mean?

Andrew Wilson writes in an article for Christianity Today:

When you’re sailing, is “being filled with the wind” an experience or a habit? ...

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Father & Son Team Up on 3D-Printed Replica Lamborghini

Some dads like to build soap box derby cars with their sons. But Sterling Backus and his eleven-year-old son Xander had something more ambitious in mind: ...

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Boundaries Are Not Enough to Prevent Sin

Once a man planted a garden and was delighted when shoots emerged. Every day he watered and weeded, and his garden grew until he was ecstatic to see plants ...

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Learning to Soar in the Power of the Spirit

In his book, Life in the Presence of God, Kenneth Boa compares a soaring eagle to Christians learning to soar through the power of the Holy Spirit:

God ...

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A Sailboat Is Useless without Wind, So Is a Believer without the Spirit

Imagine that you've decided to go sailing. The problem is that you know next to nothing about sailing. So you to the store and you purchase several ...

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The Holy Spirit Acts Like a Broken Hip

Someone (J.D. Grear) has said that many of us think that the Holy Spirit is like our pituitary gland. You know it's there, you're glad you've ...

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Our Weird Conceptions of the Trinity

Author Michael Reeves, author of the book Delighting in the Trinity, expresses our basic problem with the Trinity—that the Trinity is "seen ...

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Farmer Can't Find the Water Supply on His Land

In the classic French film Jean de Florette, townspeople in a small village in Provence, France conspire against a local landowner named Jean who has ...

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The Trinity Works Together for Our Rescue

While every analogy of the Trinity has its limitations, this picture illustrates one aspect of our Triune God—that they are all on the same team. ...

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Our True ‘Cornerman’—the Holy Spirit

You might not know the name Angelo Dundee, but you've undoubtedly heard of Muhammad Ali, probably the most famous professional boxer of all time. ...

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