Sermon Illustrations about Home
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Resurrected Marriages
I have seen resurrection in marriage after marriage when the persons became genuinely convicted by their sin and did not see divorce as an option.
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Character by Firelight
The supreme test of goodness is not in the greater but in the smaller incidents of our character and practice; not what we are when standing in the searchlight ...
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Ministry Begins at Home
Our Lord did not say to His disciples: "I have had a most successful time on earth. I have addressed thousands of people and been the means of their ...
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All or Nothing
One elder statesman of a Christian church has devoted himself to a fifty-year study of Christian and non-Christian families. He says that in American ...
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Selfish Strife
The secret of every discord in Christian homes and communities and churches is that we seek our own way and our own glory.
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Humor: A New Golden Rule
We've always tried to instill in our children God's desire that they respect and obey their parents. One morning, following an evening of explaining ...
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Built-In Character
There was a family in the San Francisco Bay area that grew up with commitment. The son's name was David Kraft. His father was a pastor, a godly pastor ...
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Grace in Church and Home
If I want those in my home to respond with grace toward the church, then I must respond with grace toward the church when I'm at home.
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Divine Calling
My family is close friends with another family who faithfully attends our church. Often we spend Sunday afternoons together relaxing at our house. Recently, ...
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Taking Children to Heaven
The only thing that parents can take to heaven is their children.
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