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Sermon Illustrations about Honesty

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Honesty to help bring your sermon to life.

Telling the Truth Costs Golfer Her Dream

Golfer Chelsee Richard, of Bloomingdale High School in Brandon, Florida, lost her chance to win the 2004 state championship—by being honest. In ...

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Amazing Integrity Climaxes the Amazing Race

The CBS television show The Amazing Race tells the stories of several teams as they race around the globe for a one-million-dollar prize. The pressures ...

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Alcoholics Anonymous Founder Lived a Lie

Bill Wilson was the founder of Alcoholics Anonymous. For that accomplishment, Time magazine named Wilson one of the Top 100 People of the 20th century. ...

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"Bobby Jones": Finer Things Than Winning

Bobby Jones: Stroke of Genius depicts the story of the legendary golfer. In the early 1920s, Jones retired at the age of 28 as an amateur, yet captured ...

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Humans with Lie Detecting Ability

Maureen O'Sullivan is a deception expert. She says that even though most people believe they can easily detect when someone is lying, they are wrong ...

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Only One Student a Follower

S. I. McMillen, in his book None of These Diseases, tells a story of a young woman who wanted to go to college, but her heart sank when she read the question ...

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High School Quarterback Prizes Integrity Above Record

As seventeen-year-old Nate Hassis left the football field on Saturday, October 25, 2003, the senior quarterback at Springfield Southeast High School was ...

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Ronald Reagan's Vulnerability

On November 5, 1994, Ronald Wilson Reagan, the 40th President of the United States, wrote a letter to his fellow citizens from his home near Santa Barbara. ...

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Money Distorts News Reporting

In his book, Bias: A CBS Insider Exposes How the Media Distorts the News, Bernard Goldberg recounts a pivotal moment in television news. In the early ...

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Pastor Admits Favoritism

The late Max Cadenhead, when he was pastor of First Baptist Church in Naples, Florida, riveted his congregation one day with a bold confession.

"My ...

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