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Sermon Illustrations about Hospitality

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Hospitality to help bring your sermon to life.

Church Helps Woman in Strip Club Start a New Life

We have a number of people from our church and from a few other churches in our community who are a part of a ministry called New Name. This ministry ...

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What Church Membership Looks Like

In his book The Pastor, Eugene Peterson describes his wife Jan's understanding of what it means to be a pastor's wife. As I read Peterson's ...

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The Power of Prayer: How Author John Dickson Came to the Faith

The Australian Christian author and speaker John Dickson came to Christ through the faithful witness of an ordinary, middle-aged mother named Glenda. ...

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The Epidemic of Loneliness at Christmas Time

A British medical doctor named Ishani Kar-Purkayastha shared a story about his interaction with Doris, an 82-year-old hospital patient. Two days before ...

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Shared Meals Create Opportunities to Share Christ

In his book A Meal with Jesus, Tim Chester shares the following stories about how various church communities in England are sharing Jesus through shared ...

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Jewish 'Shiva' Practice Helps Loved Ones Grieve

After witnessing firsthand the devastating effects of civil war, oppressive regimes, and natural disasters, Palmer Chichen has observed that the Hebrew ...

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Young Man Finds Christ through an Imperfect Christian Family

Jim Petersen tells the story of Mario, [a friend from South America] with whom he had studied the Bible for four years before Mario became a Christian. ...

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Human "Love Hormone" Only Goes So Far

Scientists have identified a specific, love-inducing, trust-building chemical called Oxytocin. Psychologists refer to it as the "hormone of love." ...

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Max Lucado Shares a Meal with a Homeless Man

A few months ago I was sitting at the red light of a busy intersection when I noticed a man walking toward my car. He stepped off the curb, bypassed several ...

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Man Creates a Front Yard Patio to "Fish for People"

Steve Bankes had a remarkably simple idea for reaching out to his neighbors: he decided to put a patio in his front yard. A Chicago Tribune article showed ...

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