Sermon Illustrations about Human Condition
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Human Condition to help bring your sermon to life.
Relating to Sopranos' Regret
The TV series about modern day gangsters struck a chord with a record number of viewers. "The Sopranos" boasts tens of millions of watchers ...
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Hopefulness of Sin
Sin is the best news there is because with sin, there's a way out. You can't repent of confusion or psychological flaws inflicted by your parents—you're ...
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Child Summarizes Sinfulness
I was sitting at my desk in my study after having scolded my 4-year-old daughter for misbehaving. I heard a gentle knock on the door. "Come in," ...
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Kofi Annan Faces Evil
United Nations leader Kofi Annan travels the world visiting areas of some of the worst violence and cruelty in human history. Few men have the responsibility ...
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How Sin Has Spread
In Oregon's Malheur National Forest, a fungus spreads through tree roots across 2,200 acres, making it the largest living organism ever found. Popularly ...
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The Father at the Cross
Last week my son, Bjorn, got sick.
I took his temperature, and it was 102.5. The Children's Advil came out. He slugged down the appropriate dose for ...
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Jesus Knows Our Suffering
My wife leads a weekly "Christian circle" at a nursing home. An Alzheimer's patient named Betsy faithfully attends, led there by a staff ...
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Christina Ricci's Self-Mutilation
In a Rolling Stone interview, Christina Ricci talks about self-mutilation and pain when a teenager:
She stretches; her sleeves ride up; there are raised ...
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Marilyn Manson Doesn't Blame Devil
After being blamed for inciting the Columbine shootings, rock star Marilyn Manson argued in Rolling Stone:
I'm a controversial artist, one who dares ...
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Self-Destructive Habits
While staying with my friends Tim and Jill Jones, I watched their hamster, Hammy, in his little cage. Hammy has a warm nest of cedar shavings to curl ...
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